Building altars
We have recently published two articles: Dispelling spiritual darkness, which is about prayer altars and A spiritual priesthood about how wrong it is when we, as believers, call ourselves priests. These studies prompted a few the questions: how do we reconcile the building of altars and sacrificing by people who are not of the Levitical…
Did Y’Shua really exist?
Why do you believe in what is written in the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament)? This is a question that we may bump into when we speak to people that have not accepted Y’Shua as their Messiah. When asked to defend what you believe in, do you have the information at hand? Being prepared is half…
Reminiscing on Sukkot
We just returned from celebrating the feast of Sukkot in Jerusalem. As usual it was glorious to be in the place YHVH chose to put His Name for this appointed time. Every encounter we had, whether planned or not, positive or negative, was meaningful and contributed to making our time in Jerusalem special. Let us…
Yom Kippurim and the sins of our fathers
When we consider the world, we may be led to mistakenly believe that we can sin with impunity. However, sin without consequence does not exist. It may appear that ungodly people prosper more than the godly. They seem to be blessed in all areas of their lives, but if you look deeper, you will often…
An Excellent Wife
When we think about being an excellent wife, we picture the image we feature here. It is, however, not about performance. It goes much deeper.