Mercy and Grace, you shall reap what you sow
Mercy and grace are two of those abstract concepts that are often used to express what we are to have towards each other and what YHVH has towards us. Mercy and grace are two characteristics of YHVH, that express His deep love for us. We want to look closer at these concepts because if we…
The Potter and the clay
Every day we get up and face life with all its challenges. Life can be difficult and often is. We all suffer in some way and some, like Job, suffer in many ways at the same time. It seems to me, from personal experience, but also from speaking to other people, that life’s challenges have…
How do we know if we have YHVH’s Spirit in us?
There are many references to YHVH’s Set Apart Spirit in Scripture. In the Tanakh we read of many people who had the Spirit of YHVH upon them always in order for them to perform a task or position. In the Apostolic writings we read of Y’shua speaking of this promise of YHVH, which will be…
A Scriptural introduction to angels
In the last couple of articles, we have started investigating the spiritual dimension of the Scriptures. When we talk about the spiritual dimension we also need to talk about the spiritual beings. In Scripture we find a number of references to heavenly beings. What exactly does Scripture teach us about angels, and which parts of…
The Power of a Blessing and a Curse
Blessings and curses are a reality in Scripture, but also in our lives. We don’t always realize it, because we are so far removed from YHVH’s ways. In some circles, blessings and curses are regarded as words having intrinsic power or magic. We don’t see it as magic, but if you read Scripture, you will…