Answered prayer
Why don’t we see more miracles in the body of Y’shua? Why don’t we see more answered prayers? When we read the Scriptures, we see that YHVH is not powerless, He has been and still is doing miracles. If we don’t experience this in our own lives, it’s up to us to search for a…
Shavuot 2015 – An appointed time of great significance
Shavuot, the feast of oaths, an appointed time with our Heavenly Father. On this day we seven ourselves, we re-dedicate ourselves to YHVH. We have come to experience Shavuot as focusing on our relationship with YHVH, both individually and nationally. It does make sense because on this day the Torah was given and later the…
Seeing the best in others
We assume things about other people, often the worst. Instead of giving them the benefit of the doubt, we react based on what we have made up in our minds about them. We don’t even attempt to find the truth. These assumptions are often born out of our own insecurities and fear of rejection. This…
How important are we?
Self-centeredness has become the norm and the worst is that we are not even aware of this. People live their lives for themselves. It’s all about me. Many friendships are based on ” I’m in this relationship with you for me, and you are in this relationship with me for you” The new craze is…
Do not learn the way of the nations nor do what they do
It matters to YHVH what we do. He is concerned with our traditions and practices. He warns us against learning the way of the nations and doing it. He warned us with good reason.
A Guide to Contentment
Contentment … When I think about this concept, I see a happy little child sitting and playing, not having a care in the world. That is contentment, but is it possible for us to attain such contentment amidst all the cares of the world? I believe it is, it is all about focus and attitude.…