The (not so) pagan roots of words
The community of believers has become a minefield when it comes to the use of certain words and names. The words we use have become our label. If you say a word or name in a certain way, you are judged by some as being this or that. You are immediately categorized as either pure…
Choose your friends and teachers wisely, it could cost you your salvation
Being part of the elect makes us vulnerable to a certain extend. We are the ones who could be deceived. Knowing this is a motivation for us to search the Scriptures to ensure that we are not part of those who would be deceived. This article is meant to offer some help in that and…
False Prophets – 7 more Signs
This is the second part of our study on how to identify a false prophet. We have determined before that it is our responsibility to ensure that we are not deceived. YHVH teaches us through His Word how to identify these false prophets or teachers. It is our responsibility to search His Word for the…
7 Signs of a False Prophet
We are living in a time where lawlessness is increasing, YHVH’s law is being replaced with man’s law more and more. I have recently seen a re-writing of the ten commandments; it is called “the ten for churches.” YHVHs Ten Commandments were re-written “to put them in the context of modern-day living.” These are the…
Who makes the earth quake?
There are many natural disasters occurring in our day; earthquakes, tornados, hail the size of tennis balls and there are even volcanoes on the verge of erupting. What is going on? Who do we ascribe this to? Some are ascribing all these or most of these occurrences to H.A.A.R.P. H.A.A.R.P is the abbreviation for High…
A prophet, a donkey and a lion…a warning for you!
In 1 Kings 13:10-34, we read the account of the prophet, the donkey and the lion. In this chronicle we have two prophets, one faithful to YHVH’s word and another living within the borders of the apostate king. This is indeed an intriguing chronicle but also a very stern warning. What could you learn from…