Y’Shua is YHVH
When people realize that the Tanakh is still valid in our lives today, they very often start to struggle with the concept of “YHVH echad.†What most people do not realize is that physical manifestations of YHVH also happened in the Tanakh. Y’Shua is however far more than just a physical manifestation as His name…
Did Y’Shua really exist?
Why do you believe in what is written in the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament)? This is a question that we may bump into when we speak to people that have not accepted Y’Shua as their Messiah. When asked to defend what you believe in, do you have the information at hand? Being prepared is half…
The spiritual dimension of Y’Shua’s acts
Now that we have a good understanding of the basics of the spiritual world, it is interesting to relook at the ministry of Y’shua with a focus on the spiritual dimension. If we focus on this we start to see a number of passages, that now either add a new understanding or raise a whole…
The Secret mission of Y’Shua
When we speak of Y’Shua being the Messiah, we have a clear view of what that implies. We understand the significance of what He did for us when He offered His life for us. When we look into the details of the ministry of Y’Shua as recorded in Scripture, we see that almost nobody knew…
How do we know if we have YHVH’s Spirit in us?
There are many references to YHVH’s Set Apart Spirit in Scripture. In the Tanakh we read of many people who had the Spirit of YHVH upon them always in order for them to perform a task or position. In the Apostolic writings we read of Y’shua speaking of this promise of YHVH, which will be…