The Remnant
When we study Bible prophecy, we find many references to a remnant. We often read about YHVH’s judgement and how a remnant remains. It is prophesied that there will be a future judgment and that a remant will remain. Everybody wants to be part of that remnant. We want to be part of the group…
Purity and Holiness
Purity and holiness are two words that that have come across my path so much the last couple of weeks and not only mine. It is as if YHVH is urging His children to focus on becoming pure and holy before Him. Purity and holiness aren’t new, YHVH has always required it of us, but…
Your life has an impact
Each of us has a purpose and a role to play in YHVH’s plan. I saw a short video last week of dominoes, gradually increasing in size, that illustrated this beautifully. You may have seen it too. The biggest domino was standing almost half a meter tall and the smallest was so small it had…
Choose whom you will serve
Life is about choices! When we were little children, one of the first things we learned was that we can choose. We could choose the toys we wanted to play with, or sometimes given the choice of a sugary treat. We also started learning about the consequences of wrong choices. As we grew up, we…
Why does evil seem to prevail?
We live in a wonderful world, the beauty of creation declares YHVH’s existence. You can’t study the detail of any created being or plant without realizing that there is a Designer of it all. It can’t just happen by change. YHVH created every intricate detail of existence. He designed it meticulously and we have yet…
National and Personal redemption, both are required
“The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.”(Eze 18:20) The Apostle Paul also teaches that we…