When shall the restoration of all things be?
In the Scriptures we see the phrase “restoration of all things” a few times. Do we understand what this phrase means and what preconditions exist for this to start? It starts off with personal restoration. Repentance is a key element of this process. How are we to repent? What do we need to repent of?…
A Most Annoying Shofar
Recently we received a link to an article that was posted on the website of a group called “Restorers of Zionâ€. They have published a document that we believe would be most beneficial for a wider audience to read. It is a prophetic vision that explains to us the Father’s view of the current Messianic…
If you will not return to Me…
Just take a look around you! There is widespread famine, tropical storms, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars, financial hardship, moral decay and infertility. The whole earth seems to be in turmoil. Is this the beginning of the end times? Are we experiencing what Y’shua described to His disciples in Matthew 24? Are these purely…
YHVH is calling us to return to Him!
Our journey in life is part of a cycle. Everything in life is cyclical. Just look at nature – the cycle of life… we are born into this world, we grow up and we grow old and we die. Our life can be meaningful or meaningless. Our choices determine which one it would be. In…