The Way of the Nations
There are two ways we can follow in life: the way of YHVH or the way of the nations. YHVH has given us free will so we choose which way we follow. However, even if we think we follow YHVH’s way, we might, unknowingly, be following the way of the nations. The way of the…
Free from Captivity
We become holy or set apart by the process of sanctification. YHVH wants us to be set apart people for Him. Sanctification is the process of removing everything that causes separation between us and YHVH. The process of sanctification started for us with obedience to His Word. As we learned how YHVH wanted us to…
The spiritual dimension of Y’Shua’s acts
Now that we have a good understanding of the basics of the spiritual world, it is interesting to relook at the ministry of Y’shua with a focus on the spiritual dimension. If we focus on this we start to see a number of passages, that now either add a new understanding or raise a whole…
The Secret mission of Y’Shua
When we speak of Y’Shua being the Messiah, we have a clear view of what that implies. We understand the significance of what He did for us when He offered His life for us. When we look into the details of the ministry of Y’Shua as recorded in Scripture, we see that almost nobody knew…