A Scriptural introduction to angels
In the last couple of articles, we have started investigating the spiritual dimension of the Scriptures. When we talk about the spiritual dimension we also need to talk about the spiritual beings. In Scripture we find a number of references to heavenly beings. What exactly does Scripture teach us about angels, and which parts of…
The Power of a Blessing and a Curse
Blessings and curses are a reality in Scripture, but also in our lives. We don’t always realize it, because we are so far removed from YHVH’s ways. In some circles, blessings and curses are regarded as words having intrinsic power or magic. We don’t see it as magic, but if you read Scripture, you will…
Strongholds, each of us has one
The concept of a stronghold is foreign to our modern minds, except for what we may have read about it in history books. It is not part of our frame of reference and because of this, we may not understand the significance of this. We need to understand the physical structure in order to understand…
Defiled Land
In our previous article, we wrote about the spiritual impact of Babel and the one before about how the spiritual realm influences us. This week, we will dig a bit deeper into the topic of the spiritual realm with our focus on defiled land. Our foundation will be what is written about this in Scripture.…