• Defiled Land

    Defiled Land

    In our previous article, we wrote about the spiritual impact of Babel and the one before about how the spiritual realm influences us. This week, we will dig a bit deeper into the topic of the spiritual realm with our focus on defiled land. Our foundation will be what is written about this in Scripture.…

  • The spiritual impact of Babel

    The spiritual impact of Babel

    This article will focus on a very specific incident in the Scriptures – The tower of Babel. Most people recall this piece of text only for the effect that it had, the creation of multiple languages and the separation of the nations. There was actually a lot more to this, if we look at this…

  • See what Jerusalem looks like during Sukkot

    See what Jerusalem looks like during Sukkot

    We recently posted some photos of Jerusalem during the feast of Sukkot. To give you an even better feel, we have put together a short video of what Jerusalem is like. Come, have a look.

  • How the spiritual realm influences us

    How the spiritual realm influences us

    This is the second of a series of articles about the spiritual realm and its influence on us. This may seem a strange topic especially for us Torah-observant believers in Y’shua. It is a topic that is often ignored or not much talked about, especially in this movement. When YHVH revealed the truth to us…

  • An introduction to the spiritual realm

    An introduction to the spiritual realm

    Although we all talk about the physical and the spiritual worlds, very few have done a study on this topic. The result is that we all walk around with different views of this spiritual dimension. Most of us do acknowledge the existence of a spiritual world. This is where the common agreement stops. If we…

  • Sukkot in Jerusalem – 2015

    Sukkot in Jerusalem – 2015

    We are all currently celebrating the Feast of Sukkot. Some of us are blessed enough to be doing it in the city He chose to put His name. See what Jerusalem looked like this year during the feast.