The Remnant
When we study Bible prophecy, we find many references to a remnant. We often read about YHVH’s judgement and how a remnant remains. It is prophesied that there will be a future judgment and that a remant will remain. Everybody wants to be part of that remnant. We want to be part of the group…
Strength to go on
We need strength to get through every day, some days more than others. Sometimes life is hard. During these downs we often find it difficult to drag ourselves through yet another day. It seems that there is no light at the end of the long, dark tunnel. This may cause us to be depressed and…
Purity and Holiness
Purity and holiness are two words that that have come across my path so much the last couple of weeks and not only mine. It is as if YHVH is urging His children to focus on becoming pure and holy before Him. Purity and holiness aren’t new, YHVH has always required it of us, but…
More about faith
Faith is a topic we can study over and over and every time learn something new. We can learn much about faith in Scripture. It is defined as “assurance” in the book of Hebrews. This is the key. Faith is “know-so” instead of “hope-so.To have faith is to know the outcome would be best for…
Answered prayer
Why don’t we see more miracles in the body of Y’shua? Why don’t we see more answered prayers? When we read the Scriptures, we see that YHVH is not powerless, He has been and still is doing miracles. If we don’t experience this in our own lives, it’s up to us to search for a…