• Your life has an impact

    Your life has an impact

    Each of us has a purpose and a role to play in YHVH’s plan. I saw a short video last week of dominoes, gradually increasing in size, that illustrated this beautifully. You may have seen it too. The biggest domino was standing almost half a meter tall and the smallest was so small it had…

  • What do we do with disease

    What do we do with disease

    Continuing our study in health and healing, we will now look at the cause of the spiritual diseases. How do we contract a spiritual disease? How does our spirit connect with our physical health? We have seen that the medical system is not capable of dealing with these diseases, thus we need to turn to…

  • Choose whom you will serve

    Choose whom you will serve

    Life is about choices! When we were little children, one of the first things we learned was that we can choose. We could choose the toys we wanted to play with, or sometimes given the choice of a sugary treat. We also started learning about the consequences of wrong choices. As we grew up, we…

  • Planning for the Sabbatical year

    Planning for the Sabbatical year

    This is our first article in a series about how we are to go about preparing for the Sabbatical year. This coming sabbatical year will be our first and we plan to share our journey with you in order for you to glean from what we learn. In this series we will look at ways…

  • Those ten times

    Those ten times

    YHVH is a good Father to us. He not only gave us instructions on how to live, but also practical examples through the lives of other people who went before us. It started with Adam and Eve in the garden. Through their lives and those who followed after them, we learn what YHVH likes and…

  • Shavuot 2015 – An appointed time of great significance

    Shavuot 2015 – An appointed time of great significance

    Shavuot, the feast of oaths, an appointed time with our Heavenly Father. On this day we seven ourselves, we re-dedicate ourselves to YHVH. We have come to experience Shavuot as focusing on our relationship with YHVH, both individually and nationally. It does make sense because on this day the Torah was given and later the…