• Tefillin – To use or not to use?

    Tefillin – To use or not to use?

    After our previous article on prayer, we have done some study on the traditions and customs that surround prayer. One of the topics that have come up in our discussions about prayer, is the use of tefillin or phylacteries. People wonder if the Jewish interpretation of Scripture is valid. Should we interpret the verses literally…

  • Y’shua and the laws of clean and unclean

    Y’shua and the laws of clean and unclean

    We have previously written two articles on our understanding of the commandments regarding clean and unclean. We have since received some questions which we were very interested to find answers for. One of these questions are: How do we make sure we do not come into contact with anything or anyone who is unclean in…

  • Always wanting more…Covetousness is idolatry

    Always wanting more…Covetousness is idolatry

    We all need material things; we need furniture, a roof over our heads, clothes to wear and many other things. However, when does this need to have things turn into just wanting things for the sake of having it? When is wanting stuff covetousness? In the epistle to the Colossians, Paul said that covetousness amounted…

  • Disobedience is not a game, it could change the course of your life

    Disobedience is not a game, it could change the course of your life

    What if your next act of disobedience changes the course of your life? Have you ever considered this? I am not talking about losing a blessing as a result of being disobedient; I am talking about a profound change. YHVH is very patient with us; I don’t think we realize just how much. Will He…

  • A response to comments about the heresy of the Enoch calendar

    A response to comments about the heresy of the Enoch calendar

    We have received a number of response to our previous article about the herecy of the Enoch calendar. These responses try to defend the canonicity of the book of Enoch or they question the validity of the priesthood in Jerusalem. Here we would like to present to your our further investigation into these points.