Sukkot – the Eighth Day
Have you ever wondered what the significance is of the 8th day of Sukkot? When we read the instructions for the feast of Sukkot in the book of Leviticus, there seems to be some distinction between the first seven days and the 8th day. Why is this so? Is there a special meaning to this…
Sukkot – restoring the Kingdom one sukkah at a time
This may sound strange to you. How can the Kingdom be restored, one sukkah at a time? What does this mean? We have come to understand the main purpose of the Tabernacle through a previous study. The foremost, but not the only, purpose of the tabernacle was to be a set apart place for YHVH…
Yom Kippurim…a call of repentance to the nation
It is almost the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippurim. We have written a few posts on this appointed time before, the most important being the post about what we are to do on Yom Kippurim. We are commanded to afflict our beings on this day, and if you use Scripture to interpret Scripture, clearly we…
Digging around in Israel
Whenever we travel to Israel for one of the feasts, we always look for something of interest to do. Traveling with our kids also means that we have to look for something that would interest them. However, in a country as rich in culture and history, it is not a difficult task. On one of…
We are living temples… really?
We have recently written two articles about the topic of assembling together. The tabernacle and Temple were central in both these studies. This time we are going to look at the Temple from a different, more spiritual, point of view. We have been taught that we are living temples of the Holy Spirit, but are…
A basic introduction to the Epistle to the Galatians
One of the biggest challenges we as believers in Y’Shua the Messiah have is to get to a good understanding of the concept of the salvation we have through Messiah and the need for us to keep the commandments. Most people are pretty clear about this fact once they have done their initial Torah cycle…