• Transferal of spirits

    Transferal of spirits

    We have found ourselves in awkward situations when we stayed in the hostel in Jerusalem. People from all walks of life go to Jerusalem for different reasons. People are often eager to share their faith, prophesy or pray for whomever is interested. I once shared a table with a lady in the kitchen at breakfast…

  • Cleaning out the chimney, the past and the leaven

    Cleaning out the chimney, the past and the leaven

    YHVH is very practical. He uses things that happen in our lives to teach us and to help us grow in Him. This week has been one of those weeks. A week of growing in many respects. We are busy with renovation work and had the chimney cleaned. We also had a blockage in our…

  • Petitioning YHVH

    Petitioning YHVH

    Hannah was childless and it caused her great sorrow. She petitioned YHVH for a son, and He gave her children. Adonijah petitioned Bathsheba for Abishag, she was beautiful and he wanted her to be his wife. However, he had ulterior motives…Esther risked her life to petition king Ahasuerus for the life of her people. Job,…

  • The wave sheaf and the sabbatical year

    The wave sheaf and the sabbatical year

    Nobody can deny that YHVH is in control of everything. We read of YHVH’s greatness throughout scripture. In Job 37:1-39:30, and in many other passages, YHVH’s greatness is described. How He has made and controls nature, the weather, and every living creature. He causes the lightning to strike, the rain to fall; He causes the…

  • When must the barley be aviv?

    When must the barley be aviv?

    This year there has been a lot of discussion regarding the start of the new year. Most of these discussions were centered around the topic of when the barley needs to be aviv. Should it be before the new year starts or only when the Wave Sheaf offering is brought? In our article in 2012…

  • What are demons?

    What are demons?

    We have already looked at angels and the adversary in our study of the spiritual realm. In this study we will investigate what exactly demons are and where did they come from. To often there is a lack of knowledge regarding demons, idols and ghosts. Thus we need to turn to Scripture to see how…