Tzit-tzit, a reminder throughout our generations
The wearing of tzit-tzit is a commandment given in Numbers 15:37-41 and is repeated in Deut 22:12. We also read about it in the Apostolic writings. YHVH gave this commandment to wear tzit-tzit and to look at it, as a reminder to us to do all His commandments and be set apart to Him. In…
Proof that the Apostolic writings are inspired Scripture
Many people are, mainly because of the influence of anti-missionaries, convinced that the Apostolic writings are not inspired Scripture. In other words, they do not believe it is the Word of YHVH. Think about this logically. What does it imply when you make the statement that the New Testament or Apostolic writings are not inspired?…
Are we to submit to Government authority?
YHVH is our highest authority! We are to obey Him first and foremost. What would be our responsibility regarding government authority? Do we have to submit to government authority? What are we to do if those over us are wicked and corrupt? Are we still to submit?
Modesty…the holy and the profane
We recently received a comment on an article we posted on modesty. This article was written by an anonymous author. It gave his point of view on modesty. This prompted us to write our understanding of what is written in the Word on modesty, so here it is. This article is not only about modesty,…
A Set Apart Marriage
The pressures and temptations of the world are real and intense. We are confronted with it daily. Our relationships are in many ways impacted by it, especially our marriages. Many marriages are not strong enough to stand through all this. How can we be prepared to face these challenges when they come our way? How…
Defining the keys of the kingdom of heaven
We are often told that the scepter has been entrusted to Judah based on Genesis 49:9-10. However, if you follow the advice we gave you last week and reread these verses, you will see that these verses tell you that the scepter will pass from Judah. I believe that this has already happened and Judah…