What did Nicodemus really hear?
In the Gospel of John we have a recording of a conversation that took place between Y’Shua and a Jewish teacher named Nicodemus. This is a very profound discussion that can only be appreciated by understanding the context of the questions and answers. In order to understand any message clearly we also need to understand…
How tolerant should we be, if at all?
What exactly is tolerance? Is tolerance a Biblical principle and if so, how are we to apply it in our lives? How tolerant should we as believers be? What can be tolerated and what not? These are all questions we are confronted with when we consider this theme. I have come to believe that the…
Why we are to forgive
Unforgiveness is the root of many problems. It leads to bitterness, anger and resentment and many other negative emotions. It affects us in every area in our lives. You may not have realized this before…or maybe you have, but don’t know how to change this. We shall share with you what we have learned about…