• Strongholds, each of us has one

    Strongholds, each of us has one

    The concept of a stronghold is foreign to our modern minds, except for what we may have read about it in history books. It is not part of our frame of reference and because of this, we may not understand the significance of this. We need to understand the physical structure in order to understand…

  • Preparing for the Sabbatical year

    Preparing for the Sabbatical year

    The next sabbatical year is in 2016; have you thought about how you are going to keep it? Keeping the Sabbatical year is generally dismissed as something that we can’t do because we don’t live in the land. YHVH instructed us to keep this commandment, and we would like to show you why it is…

  • If you will not return to Me…

    If you will not return to Me…

    Just take a look around you! There is widespread famine, tropical storms, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars, financial hardship, moral decay and infertility. The whole earth seems to be in turmoil. Is this the beginning of the end times? Are we experiencing what Y’shua described to His disciples in Matthew 24? Are these purely…