Who Am I?
When we become believers, we become children of YHVH. He is our Father who loves us unconditionally and wants the best for us. If we did not have an earthly father who modelled this love for us, or failed us in any way, we may not be able to fully comprehend this love the Father…
Your life has an impact
Each of us has a purpose and a role to play in YHVH’s plan. I saw a short video last week of dominoes, gradually increasing in size, that illustrated this beautifully. You may have seen it too. The biggest domino was standing almost half a meter tall and the smallest was so small it had…
Choose your friends and teachers wisely, it could cost you your salvation
Being part of the elect makes us vulnerable to a certain extend. We are the ones who could be deceived. Knowing this is a motivation for us to search the Scriptures to ensure that we are not part of those who would be deceived. This article is meant to offer some help in that and…