• The mystery of unanswered prayer

    The mystery of unanswered prayer

    In this study, you will be introduced to another facet of heavenly warfare. Previously we looked at our spiritual mandate. Does the spiritual realm affect our prayers in any way? Is there a link between answered prayer and spiritual warfare? You will learn more about the mystery of unanswered prayer.

  • You never know you’ve been asleep till you wake up

    You never know you’ve been asleep till you wake up

    We believe that we are living in a time of restoration. Many things are being revealed to us and restored to us. The seventh day Sabbath has been restored to us. The Biblical feasts have been restored to us. More and more, we are being taught to keep Abba YHVH’s commandments. We, being in the…

  • When you enter the land – Understanding the full context leads to better understanding

    When you enter the land – Understanding the full context leads to better understanding

    I have often heard the phrase “When you enter the land” mentioned in discussion on the applicability to a specific commandment. I have previously spoken about our logic getting in the way of our obedience. Could the use of this condition be another example of us trying to reason which of the instructions of YHVH…

  • Weigh your words….

    Weigh your words….

    Can words be measured? Can words be weighed? What is the measure of my words? Job 31:6 6 Let Him weigh me with accurate scales, And let יהוה know my integrity. What does weighing and scales have to do with words or with integrity? Picture an old scale, maybe an ancient scale that uses weights…

  • If you will not return to Me…

    If you will not return to Me…

    Just take a look around you! There is widespread famine, tropical storms, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars, financial hardship, moral decay and infertility. The whole earth seems to be in turmoil. Is this the beginning of the end times? Are we experiencing what Y’shua described to His disciples in Matthew 24? Are these purely…

  • The first part of the end-times – Deception

    The first part of the end-times – Deception

    In the last couple of weeks and months we have seen some more end-time prophecies and conspiracy theories doing the rounds and leading a lot of believers astray. When we are thinking about these end time topics, were are in good company. The disciples of our Master were also discussing the topic, but they had…