The Secret mission of Y’Shua
When we speak of Y’Shua being the Messiah, we have a clear view of what that implies. We understand the significance of what He did for us when He offered His life for us. When we look into the details of the ministry of Y’Shua as recorded in Scripture, we see that almost nobody knew…
Having an attitude of gratitude
I believe that one of the reasons YHVH gives us children is to teach us about ourselves :) Consider what happens when we give our children everything they desire at the very moment they want it? They get spoiled. When children are spoiled and told that they can’t have something, they pout and sulk. Some…
A night of watching…a study of Exodus 12:42
We were in Israel last year with Pesach and just before the first day of Unleavened bread, the discussion of whether or not to keep a vigil on this night came up. Most of the believers in the Jerusalem hostel at the time were of the opinion that we are to stay awake all night,…
The first Passover and the commemoration of it
It is almost time for Passover or Pesach, the first festival of the new biblical year. We find it necessary to re-read all the instructions before every feast. This ensures that we celebrate the festival according to the commandments given by YHVH. We tend to sometimes forget some of the detail… There are many different…
Yom T’ruah is not Rosh haShanah
During this time of year we hear a lot of discussions as to whether or not we should join in the celebration of Rosh haShanah (Head of the new Year). We all know that Exodus 12:2 specifically tells us that the beginning of the year is in Aviv (spring time). Yet, we hear some very…
Circumcision and the blood of the Pesach Lamb
Why is the story of the circumcision of the son of Moses in the middle of the story of the Exodus? This is not small diversion but a very well thought through placement of related text. It is linked to the exodus via the Pesach lamb.