What does it mean to be redeemed? – Redemption – Part 3
Have you ever thought about what it means to be redeemed? Y’shua as our Kinsman redeemer, redeemed us. How did He do this? We have learned that He paid the redemption price by sacrificing His life. However, how do we reconcile this with the Torah that forbids human sacrifice (Lev 18:21; Deut 18:10-13)? We shall…
Trip Report – Shavuot – Our proclamation
The previous two articles we published regarding the feast of Shavuot emphasized the proclamation that had to be made as part of our Shavuot celebrations. We felt that this proclamation needed to be a repentance of sin. This repentance should not only be for our own sins, but also for the sins of our fathers.…
When shall the restoration of all things be?
In the Scriptures we see the phrase “restoration of all things” a few times. Do we understand what this phrase means and what preconditions exist for this to start? It starts off with personal restoration. Repentance is a key element of this process. How are we to repent? What do we need to repent of?…
A love of all things Jewish
As a result of my previous discussion regarding the end-time deceptions, I have been having discussions with several people regarding their experiences. These include a couple we met when we went to Jerusalem for Pesach and the Feast of Unleavened Bread earlier this year. They are in the land of Israel now for a while…
When you enter the land – Understanding the full context leads to better understanding
I have often heard the phrase “When you enter the land†mentioned in discussion on the applicability to a specific commandment. I have previously spoken about our logic getting in the way of our obedience. Could the use of this condition be another example of us trying to reason which of the instructions of YHVH…
A Most Annoying Shofar
Recently we received a link to an article that was posted on the website of a group called “Restorers of Zionâ€. They have published a document that we believe would be most beneficial for a wider audience to read. It is a prophetic vision that explains to us the Father’s view of the current Messianic…