Shavuot, consider this
Two years ago we started celebrating Shavuot differently. This day, to us, is a day on which we renew our commitment to YHVH. Much like married couples do when they renew their wedding vows. We do this in the form of a proclamation, because we are commanded to make a procalmation on this day. This…
Why does evil seem to prevail?
We live in a wonderful world, the beauty of creation declares YHVH’s existence. You can’t study the detail of any created being or plant without realizing that there is a Designer of it all. It can’t just happen by change. YHVH created every intricate detail of existence. He designed it meticulously and we have yet…
The Sabbath, a delight?
To observe the Sabbath is to experience a little bit of eternity. When we spend the Sabbath in the way YHVH intended for us to spend it, we experience blessing, joy, love and insurmountable peace. It becomes the center of the week, a day to look forward to, a delight indeed. My favorite day of…
Being an overcomer and receiving the reward
There are many references in Scripture about being an overcomer. There are also promises given to those who overcome. In this study we shall look into what it means to be an overcomer in the eternal sense. We will also look into what is required of us and what was promised to those who overcome.
Do not learn the way of the nations nor do what they do
It matters to YHVH what we do. He is concerned with our traditions and practices. He warns us against learning the way of the nations and doing it. He warned us with good reason.
Y’shua and the laws of clean and unclean
We have previously written two articles on our understanding of the commandments regarding clean and unclean. We have since received some questions which we were very interested to find answers for. One of these questions are: How do we make sure we do not come into contact with anything or anyone who is unclean in…