It is time for us to get out of slavery and return to YHVH!
It is almost time to celebrate the Passover. The Passover commemorates YHVH’s redemption of His people from slavery in Egypt. Every year when we tell the story of the Exodus, we tell our own story as well; a story of redemption from sin, through the blood of our Passover, Y’shua our Messiah. Do you have…
The Last Supper was not a Passover seder
Every year before and during Passover, we are confronted with the same questions. One of these questions is: was the last meal Y’shua had with His disciples a Pesach seder? There are many passages in Scripture that seem contradictory, especially on this topic, but we believe that these seeming contradictions are because of our lack…
Without this, no one will see YHVH
When we read the word holy, we usually get a picture in our mind of someone with a halo around their head, as depicted in some of the early paintings. Alternatively, we may picture someone who is a real prude with a life devoid of fun. What do you picture in your mind when you…
They say there are giants in the land…
This probably sounds like something out of a fable, but it’s very real. We all have experience with giants in our lives. Allow us to explain… We all face trails from time to time. Difficult trials, that overwhelm us with such an intensity that we do not know where to turn to or what to…