The Sabbatical Year, should we keep this commandment?
The Sabbatical year is a picture of provision. All the instructions regarding this commandment points to provision. The releasing of debt and slaves. The cessation of all field labour for a year. These are very challenging instructions. To keep the Sabbatical year requires absolute dedication. Dedication in our obedience towards our Elohim.
Truth versus Deception. How do we know?
I recently received an article via e-mail. The message is about a very popular topic “Can the law save?” This article is a prime example of the deception of our day and age. Deception comes very easily when you quote scripture out of context, when you only spend a few minutes studying your Bible and…
When you enter the land – Understanding the full context leads to better understanding
I have often heard the phrase “When you enter the land†mentioned in discussion on the applicability to a specific commandment. I have previously spoken about our logic getting in the way of our obedience. Could the use of this condition be another example of us trying to reason which of the instructions of YHVH…
Deception of the Religious Apartheid within
Last time I spoke of the different sources of deception that would exist in the end time. During the last week I ran into one of these and this reminded me of my days in South Africa when apartheid was still enforced. I have found the similarities between the two very revealing but also see…
Faith is something you do!
We all know that our salvation is by faith through His grace. If we believe that His Son, Y’Shua our Messiah, has died for us without any sin and was resurrected from the dead, then we have eternal life. But why does it then make any difference what I do? I cannot earn my salvation…