Shavuot, consider this
Two years ago we started celebrating Shavuot differently. This day, to us, is a day on which we renew our commitment to YHVH. Much like married couples do when they renew their wedding vows. We do this in the form of a proclamation, because we are commanded to make a procalmation on this day. This…
Why does evil seem to prevail?
We live in a wonderful world, the beauty of creation declares YHVH’s existence. You can’t study the detail of any created being or plant without realizing that there is a Designer of it all. It can’t just happen by change. YHVH created every intricate detail of existence. He designed it meticulously and we have yet…
Cleaning out the leaven…being prepared
In a few weeks time we will be celebrating the Passover , the feast of First Fruit and the Feast of Unleavened bread. It is time to start preparing our homes and our hearts for this time. We prepare by removing leaven from our homes, both physical and spiritual. You may think that we still…
Should we do the commandments, if we can’t do it all properly?
It is almost the seventh Biblical month, and the fall feasts are just around the corner. YHVH gave us these feasts as celebrations, but also as teaching aids to learn more about Him and His Kingdom. As the feasts draw near, we need to look into what YHVH requires of us, because we want to…
Disobedience is not a game, it could change the course of your life
What if your next act of disobedience changes the course of your life? Have you ever considered this? I am not talking about losing a blessing as a result of being disobedient; I am talking about a profound change. YHVH is very patient with us; I don’t think we realize just how much. Will He…
The Sabbatical year, a “reset” every seven years
The next Sabbatical year is in 2016, from the first day of Aviv. We plan to keep this commandment. This commandment, to keep the Sabbatical year, is seen by some as quite controversial and one of those commandments which is said not to pertain to us who don’t live in the land. As a result…