The Sabbatical Year, should we keep this commandment?
The Sabbatical year is a picture of provision. All the instructions regarding this commandment points to provision. The releasing of debt and slaves. The cessation of all field labour for a year. These are very challenging instructions. To keep the Sabbatical year requires absolute dedication. Dedication in our obedience towards our Elohim.
“One day is like a thousand years” and it’s prophetic significance
What is implied when Peter writes, “one day is like a thousand years” (2 Pet 3:8)? Is this a literal thousand years? We have been taught to believe that; I for one have never questioned it before. We also have to determine the context and how broad we can apply it. This study started out…
When you enter the land – Understanding the full context leads to better understanding
I have often heard the phrase “When you enter the land†mentioned in discussion on the applicability to a specific commandment. I have previously spoken about our logic getting in the way of our obedience. Could the use of this condition be another example of us trying to reason which of the instructions of YHVH…
YHVH is calling us to return to Him!
Our journey in life is part of a cycle. Everything in life is cyclical. Just look at nature – the cycle of life… we are born into this world, we grow up and we grow old and we die. Our life can be meaningful or meaningless. Our choices determine which one it would be. In…
Yom T’ruah is not Rosh haShanah
During this time of year we hear a lot of discussions as to whether or not we should join in the celebration of Rosh haShanah (Head of the new Year). We all know that Exodus 12:2 specifically tells us that the beginning of the year is in Aviv (spring time). Yet, we hear some very…