Y’shua in prophecy – Part 1- Psalm 22
We will, in this walk as believers in Y’shua, be confronted with people who do not believe in Y’shua. Some may want to talk to us about our belief in Y’shua as the Messiah. Some will challenge us. Is your faith and your understanding of prophecy such that you will not doubt, but stand firm…
A basic introduction to the Epistle to the Galatians
One of the biggest challenges we as believers in Y’Shua the Messiah have is to get to a good understanding of the concept of the salvation we have through Messiah and the need for us to keep the commandments. Most people are pretty clear about this fact once they have done their initial Torah cycle…
How to correct in love
We have come to understand, through personal experience and this study, that not following this procedure of correction, as laid out in Scripture, is equal to not showing love. Not correcting fellow believers does them a disservice. They will happily continue in sin, which will ultimately cause their spiritual death and the loss of their…
Choose your friends and teachers wisely, it could cost you your salvation
Being part of the elect makes us vulnerable to a certain extend. We are the ones who could be deceived. Knowing this is a motivation for us to search the Scriptures to ensure that we are not part of those who would be deceived. This article is meant to offer some help in that and…
If you will not return to Me…
Just take a look around you! There is widespread famine, tropical storms, earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars, financial hardship, moral decay and infertility. The whole earth seems to be in turmoil. Is this the beginning of the end times? Are we experiencing what Y’shua described to His disciples in Matthew 24? Are these purely…
Faith is something you do!
We all know that our salvation is by faith through His grace. If we believe that His Son, Y’Shua our Messiah, has died for us without any sin and was resurrected from the dead, then we have eternal life. But why does it then make any difference what I do? I cannot earn my salvation…