Did Y’Shua really exist?
Why do you believe in what is written in the Apostolic Scriptures (New Testament)? This is a question that we may bump into when we speak to people that have not accepted Y’Shua as their Messiah. When asked to defend what you believe in, do you have the information at hand? Being prepared is half…
An Excellent Wife
When we think about being an excellent wife, we picture the image we feature here. It is, however, not about performance. It goes much deeper.
Strongholds, each of us has one
The concept of a stronghold is foreign to our modern minds, except for what we may have read about it in history books. It is not part of our frame of reference and because of this, we may not understand the significance of this. We need to understand the physical structure in order to understand…
The spiritual fix for fear
As we have already seen, a number of our health issues come from the spiritual dimension. One of these sources is fear. Fear can create havoc in your life if it is not under control. We need to understand what fear and anxiety does to our bodies before we can start the healing. Healing also…
Answered prayer
Why don’t we see more miracles in the body of Y’shua? Why don’t we see more answered prayers? When we read the Scriptures, we see that YHVH is not powerless, He has been and still is doing miracles. If we don’t experience this in our own lives, it’s up to us to search for a…
When do you swap love for a strong rebuke?
We all know that we need to love our brother. We also know that we need to keep an eye on ourselves and our brother. Yet, it is not always easy to decide what to do when your brother does something you feel is not right. But what to do then? It is difficult to…