Speak truth to yourself
In this article, we will focus on the first step of what we are to do to establish hope and purpose in our lives. Our objective is to be free from anxiety and depression; to live a life driven by purpose that will inspire others to want to be part of YHVH’s Kingdom.
The (not so) pagan roots of words
The community of believers has become a minefield when it comes to the use of certain words and names. The words we use have become our label. If you say a word or name in a certain way, you are judged by some as being this or that. You are immediately categorized as either pure…
How to identify strange doctrine?
We are living in the age of confusion! There is so much information available, an ocean of knowledge, you can easily drown in. Most everyone has easy access to the internet and books. This abundance of knowledge sometimes makes it difficult to discern truth from error. We also find people returning to their Hebrew roots.…
Truth versus Deception. How do we know?
I recently received an article via e-mail. The message is about a very popular topic “Can the law save?” This article is a prime example of the deception of our day and age. Deception comes very easily when you quote scripture out of context, when you only spend a few minutes studying your Bible and…