Our Creator’s name and the name of His Son
In the previous post, we have seen how poor scholarship can lead to deceptions and misconceptions. In this post, we shall look at the name of YHVH and Y’shua. The purpose is not to create contention, on the contrary; it is to bring peace. We want to show you, firstly, that we are living in…
The Kinsman Redeemer -Redemption – Part 2
This is the second part in our series about redemption. In the first part we focused on what redemption is, the importance of the redemption of the firstborn and the relation between redemption of the firstborn and human sacrifice In this part, we are going to learn about the kinsman redeemer. Have you ever wondered…
The Fourth Commandment – Part 4 – What did Y’shua do?
We have learned from the three previous studies, who changed the fourth commandment, why we should keep it, and how to keep it. The big question is: what did Y’shua and His apostles do? We shall now study the Apostolic Scriptures to see what Y’shua did and taught. He is our Master, and we are…
The Fourth Commandment – Part 3 – The Observance
This article is the third in the series on the fourth commandment. We have learned in the previous two articles how the Sabbath was changed from the seventh day to the first, and we also learned the reasons for observing this day. In this article we shall study the instructions for this special day. The…
The sins of our fathers and Shavuot
Shavuot is known as the Feast of Proclamation. This is what each of us are to do on this day; make a proclamation! What are we to proclaim? We are to call out to Abba YHVH, confessing our iniquity and the iniquity of our fathers. Why do we have to do this and how?
Prophecy in the sun, moon and stars
There is an area of study that is, of recent, getting a lot of attention, that is the using of signs in heaven as prophetic displays, pointing to future events. What are these signs and are there any truth therein? Can we determine the future by the movement of stars and planets? Are we to…