What does YHVH require of us?
Every one of us is in a relationship with another person, a person dear to us. The point is, if you love someone dearly, you want to please him or her. How much more are we not to want to please our Father in Heaven. If we love Him, we surely want to do what…
Who is Y’shua?
Have you ever wondered who Y’shua really is? In our study of Torah, we can forget who Y’shua is and what He did for us. This happened to me too. I was so busy learning Torah, that I started to wonder where Y’shua fitted in. It was almost as if He got vaguer and vaguer…
Our Creator’s name and the name of His Son
In the previous post, we have seen how poor scholarship can lead to deceptions and misconceptions. In this post, we shall look at the name of YHVH and Y’shua. The purpose is not to create contention, on the contrary; it is to bring peace. We want to show you, firstly, that we are living in…
Choose your friends and teachers wisely, it could cost you your salvation
Being part of the elect makes us vulnerable to a certain extend. We are the ones who could be deceived. Knowing this is a motivation for us to search the Scriptures to ensure that we are not part of those who would be deceived. This article is meant to offer some help in that and…
How to learn self-control and why we need to
Have you ever battled to lose weight or to stick to an exercise program? You endure for a while, but then one day in your weakness you eat a chocolate, or you decide to sleep in instead of getting up early to exercise. This first transgression may be the first step to failure depending on…
Peter teaches us how to deal with suffering in a set apart way
Many people don’t realize that we are given detailed instructions in the Scriptures on how to deal with suffering. I have come to realize this, when I read through the book of 1 Peter. His advice is so practical; we can all benefit from it. Suffering in any form, even in the form of being…