• More about faith

    More about faith

    Faith is a topic we can study over and over and every time learn something new. We can learn much about faith in Scripture. It is defined as “assurance” in the book of Hebrews. This is the key. Faith is “know-so” instead of “hope-so.To have faith is to know the outcome would be best for…

  • Answered prayer

    Answered prayer

    Why don’t we see more miracles in the body of Y’shua? Why don’t we see more answered prayers? When we read the Scriptures, we see that YHVH is not powerless, He has been and still is doing miracles. If we don’t experience this in our own lives, it’s up to us to search for a…

  • Shavuot 2015 – An appointed time of great significance

    Shavuot 2015 – An appointed time of great significance

    Shavuot, the feast of oaths, an appointed time with our Heavenly Father. On this day we seven ourselves, we re-dedicate ourselves to YHVH. We have come to experience Shavuot as focusing on our relationship with YHVH, both individually and nationally. It does make sense because on this day the Torah was given and later the…

  • His perfect will is not to heal you

    His perfect will is not to heal you

    What is YHVH’s plan with our health? Disease is a curse that comes upon us due to sin. It appears that the medical establishment is out of depth for some of these incurable diseases. Maybe it is simply that doctors are not trained to deal with the source of these diseases. We need to address…

  • Why does evil seem to prevail?

    Why does evil seem to prevail?

    We live in a wonderful world, the beauty of creation declares YHVH’s existence. You can’t study the detail of any created being or plant without realizing that there is a Designer of it all. It can’t just happen by change. YHVH created every intricate detail of existence. He designed it meticulously and we have yet…

  • The Sabbath, a delight?

    The Sabbath, a delight?

    To observe the Sabbath is to experience a little bit of eternity. When we spend the Sabbath in the way YHVH intended for us to spend it, we experience blessing, joy, love and insurmountable peace. It becomes the center of the week, a day to look forward to, a delight indeed. My favorite day of…