Finding meaning
Finding meaning is probably one of the most sought after objectives in life. Many books have been written about this subject, yet it remains unreachable to most and the question is often asked why this is. The reason may be that we seek for answers in the wrong place…
What are the implications if we claim to be disciples of Y’Shua? Several people asked Y’Shua this question and He provided some interesting answers. Y’Shua also made clear what the potential results will be if we do decide to become His disciples. We also need to ensure that we apply this to our lives today.
To have hope …
Hope is one of the finest responses of which the human spirit is capable. It has kept people alive and buoyant when the conditions of life were almost unbearable. Hopelessness on the other hand is defined as despair or desperation, having no expectation of good, incapable of improvement or not susceptible to remedy. We all…
To bring honor to our Father’s Name
What is in a name? Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? Names are important, we each have one or more and it is part of who we are. In ancient times, names were even more important. Our Heavenly Father has a name too. His name is not God, the word god…
The Law of Moses is the Law of YHVH!
The phrase “the Law of Moses” is used in Scripture quite a few times, but does this phrase mean that it carries with it only the authority of Moses, and can therefor be abolished? In order to answer this question, we need to determine what is contained in the Law of Moses and who gave…