• A Practical guide for the Passover Season

    A Practical guide for the Passover Season

    YHVH gave us His appointed times, firstly, as memorials and secondly as rehearsals to teach us His ways. When we discover His truth, He guides us to follow the ancient paths, His paths. His ways are described in His Word; His rest day, His feasts and His instructions to guide us in our lives. He…

  • Which calendar did Y’shua follow?

    Which calendar did Y’shua follow?

    It is almost time for the new biblical year to begin, depending on which calendar you use. Which calendar to use is no easy decision and the topic of the calendar can even be controversial. The calendar is certainly not a salvation issue, there should be no arguing about it. It should not divide us,…

  • Without this, no one will see YHVH

    Without this, no one will see YHVH

    When we read the word holy, we usually get a picture in our mind of someone with a halo around their head, as depicted in some of the early paintings. Alternatively, we may picture someone who is a real prude with a life devoid of fun. What do you picture in your mind when you…

  • Remember and guard the Sabbath!

    Remember and guard the Sabbath!

    We have written a few articles about the Sabbath before, however, circumstances have prompted me to write this to you. Circumstances that were caused by my poor planning and wrong choices. Do you realize how easy it is to compromise? It just kind of happens, and you only notice it when it’s already too late.…

  • Praying in Y’shua’s Name

    Praying in Y’shua’s Name

    As believers, we were taught from the time we were little children to end our prayers with “in the name of Jesus (Y’shua)” Since YHVH revealed some of His truth, of keeping Torah, to us, we had to challenge and change many things we were taught as children and thereafter. Is this something else we…

  • What does the Bible teach us about meditation?

    What does the Bible teach us about meditation?

    Many people in our overstressed, health-conscious society are discovering yoga and meditation as a way of relaxation and a means to good health. Meditation is also done by those who practice kabbalah as part of their religious beliefs. We touched briefly on this in the previous article. This study prompted us to look deeper into…